Five Sorrowful Mysteries of Andy Africa - S Buoro | A Word on Words | NPT

Five Sorrowful Mysteries of Andy Africa – Stephen Buoro

Stephen Buoro talks with J.T. Ellison about THE FIVE SORROWFUL MYSTERIES OF ANDY AFRICA.

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“I wrote a story, and I showed it to a schoolmate of mine. And, he read it and he didn’t believe that I was the one who wrote the story. He thought perhaps I had copied it from somewhere or something, and that was like a huge motivation for me to write. It made me realize that perhaps I could actually do this. That, if this guy couldn’t believe that I wrote this and, in a way, every piece of writing that I have gone on to write has been a way of not just convincing myself, but convincing the guy, wherever he is in the world, that I can actually do this.” Stephen Buoro talks with J.T. Ellison about his book THE FIVE SORROWFUL MYSTERIES OF ANDY AFRICA.

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